Saturday, July 7, 2012

Washington D.C Part 1

Recently the good Wizard and his family have decided to go to Washington D.C, our great nations capitol. As I type this, I sit in the terminal of the airport, blogging for some inane reason. Oddly enough, we just had breakfast, and it was some of the best food I've ever had at an airport. I had a bagel with smoked salmon. My brother and me were arguing over whether airline food is terrible. He maintains that it is fine, and quite palatable. I stand by my notion that it is the selfsame food served in hell. Really, what makes it so terrible? Maybe it's not the food's fault, maybe it's being locked into a metal tube with strangers, whizzing across the planet at three hundred miles per hour. Don't get me wrong, I like flying places, it's just that it could be a little more comfortable. Maybe first class next time...
In any case, I think it'll be fun to go to W.D.C. The monuments don't seem like they would be very interesting, but I'm looking forward to the Smithsonian. Well, they're boarding now, I have to go. Later, Internet...

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