Thursday, January 13, 2011

Eddie Izzard, and The Ultimate Showdown of Ultimate Destiny

A little bit of Internet video recommendations for all you thousands of my followers:
As mentioned in the title, I have two videos that have just recently caught on among my circle of friends, even if they are a little old.
Death Star canteen

One is Eddie Izzard's "Death Star canteen" sketch. he's a wierd guy , but it is most humorous, but has some rather strong profanity in it, so don't go showing it to your 3 year old cousin.

The other is a song called "The Ultimate Showdown of Ultimate Destiny." All about superheros and such. Good Stuff.

Both are on YouTube, just search their titles and various versions will pop up.

Happy watching!

1 comment:

  1. Hey, wait a minute, the videos are old or the circle of friends are old?!? Way to wish your mom a happy birthday, wizard!
